In my recent channeling on backstabbers, Spirit had quite the simple message — Backstabbers are simply people who have needs (as everyone has needs.)
What does this mean? Well, think of it like the flower. A flower needs soil, water, sunlight, a weed-free area to thrive, etc.
You move a plant away from the light or try to block their sun, they will curve or bend or do anything they can to grow toward the light.
Translate this to a human and it’s food, shelter, water, love, a warm place, a roof over our heads, etc.
But get in the way of one of those needs, and like the flower, they’re going to try to meet those needs any way possible.
So, a backstabber is simple someone who is getting their needs met in an unhealthy way.
If you’ve ever grown up in a Christian or similar background, you may have heard this one before:
“Take compassion on those that have hurt you.”
We’re asked to bestow compassion on those that hurt us because those that are doing the HURTING are so caught up in victim mentality, the trauma they experienced growing up, that they don’t see any other way to get their needs met.
What is perhaps equally interesting is that both the backstabber and the backstabbee share the same vibration.
The backstabber comes from a place of:
“I don’t know how to do this on my own. Someone needs to come in and meet those needs for me.”
The backstabbee — also operating from a wounded place—comes from a space of: “I don’t know how to get my needs met.”
It’s a vibrational match. By extending compassion to those that hurt you, you’re also extending love and compassion to your own wounding and furthering your healing.
Practice this today. Think of a time (or maybe you’re experiencing one now) where you felt like someone was always out to get you. Put yourself back in your shoes. Feel what you were going through. How were you possibly open or available for that event to occur? What love can you send both yourself and that person?
Sending love to you all of you,
P.S. I completely understand that this can be an incredibly difficult concept to grasp, and not everyone is ready for it. For those that do feel ready, come join me this week for Part 2 of my Live Free Workshop: Ditch the Toxicity.
December 6, 2018, 1 pm EST on Zoom or on my Youtube channel. This week’s piece will be on psychology-based journaling, but feel free to go back to the first week where we did an Age Regression Meditation, and also join us the following week for our final piece on Forgiveness.
P.P.S. For additional materials related to today’s blog, google the “Emotional Guidance List” and feel free to watch the whole video, including powerful Q&A, below!