Being Empathic is a gift…and while that’s true, many never learn how to truly harness it so that it actually FEELS that way.
Oftentimes it can lead to confusion, exhaustion, or inauthentic decision-making; But it doesn’t have to.
If more often than not your’e feeling bullied, overwhelmed, or carrying “I don’t know” energy, this article will help you learn how to release others energies and learn to trust in yourself.
So let’s get started, and allow me to guide you through a quick process. But before we do, I want you to associate with which you align with most —
Visual (Clairvoyant), Feeling (Clairsentient), Or In Your Body (Claircognizant.) If you know, feel free to skip to the header with your practice. If you’re unsure, feel free to try all three out in your life this week and determine which gives you the clearest signal.
If you don’t have a pressing question to ask in order to practice, I always love talking, well, LOVE! And dating! So my example for the day is as follows:
“Should I go on the date or not?”
Let’s begin!
First, Take 3 short clearing breaths.
Envision white light coming into your whole body, allowing it to clear your thoughts.
Feel your shoulders relax.
For Visual people, or Clairvoyants:
I want you to close your eyes, and get into your mind’s eye. Envision yourself as a balance: Option A is in one hand, Option B in another. When you ask the question, which hand goes up in favor?
For Feelers, or Clairsentients:
Ask yourself “How would it feel if I __?” Now I want you to pay really close attention and note if you feel ANY constriction? If there’s constriction, that’s your body’s way of guiding you to note that there is hesitation and it’s likely a “No.”
I can remember a time when I asked myself “How would it feel if I went on a date with this guy?” and I didn’t feel ABSOLUTELY fantastic about it..buuuttt I went anyway. I had some constriction and guess what? — I could’ve saved myself the time and hassle of that date. ;) We always know! We just don’t always listen at first glance. Practice this enough and you’ll start to get laser-focused on what YOUR intuition is telling you.
For the Ones Who Feel it In Their Body, or Claircognizants:
I want you to get both feet planted firmly on the ground and ask your body: “What is a YES?” Now pay attention — How does your body move for “Yes?” (Mine notably leans forward!)
Now ask your body for the reverse: “What is a NO?” (Not surprisingly, mine leans notably back.)
Once you’re clear on that, simply ask your question and be aware of how your body responds.
What happens if you can’t tell?
The truth is we can always tell, but we oftentimes are taught to forgo these internal responses and reactions. Always no that your first reaction is the YES. It’s often the doubts, insecurities, and fears OF our true response that leads us to question.
The key to all of this is being bold enough not only to feel into your inner knowing, but also ACT on it. I invite and encourage each and every one of you to try these throughout this week and then be bold enough to put that response into play in your life.
I’d love to hear back about how it goes! Connect with me via my FB link on the side, or come find me on my Youtube channel, where you can also watch my most recent video I did on this for more support.
If you’re interested in ongoing guided meditations to strengthen your practice, browse through my website and check out some of the free guidance I offer throughout.
Lots of love,