Conversations With Spirit About CoronaVirus
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Conversations With Spirit About CoronaVirus
The Pandemic. Spirit's perspective. An interview with with The Intuitive Sheepdog Autumn Schmidt and Spirit about Covid-19.
We got into the nitty gritty of this pandemic to hear infinite intelligence's (source) perspective on this.
We asked:
1:30 - What is going on right now?
Spirit touched that it's a global shift that is allowing Western and Eastern to merge and blend. Think, a little more focus on enjoyment of life.
7:17 A vaccine? A cure?
Yes, of course. We're more interested in explaining the interaction between non-physical and physical. You are spirit.
10:10- Will the Pandemic Stop?
The virus will run it's course and the result will be a more connected physical.
11:45 - Economy. With the Pandemic should they be in fear of loosing everything?
There's always trade off with growth. Think of it as different perks of companies. Some companies might pay less but offer organic healthy breakfasts and lunches.
You're giving up some perks so you can enjoy a higher income.
Spirit also delves into a step by step instruction for how to navigate fear during this time so you still manifest your other desires. The reframe was profound.
There's no need to be hard on yourself for actions you took to feel safer.Regather and choose how you'd like to experience that next time. Focus on well being.
Well being implies a sense of ease, money is taking care of, love is all around, upliftment is a daily norm... So, why not focus on that?
Spirit also broke down that it's about manifesting a feeling state.
21:00 - Conspiracy? Manmade? Manufactured in a lab? Cover Up For Mass arrests?
22:50- Restaurant industry. How long will it be effected?
23:08 - Are there any herbs or vitamins we could take to help? Immune boosting herbs and vitamins will help. It's not about detox it's about amping up the healthy.
23:30 - How long will the schools be out for?
Spirit gave an answer that also explained about the interconnectedness that will be created after this between the working classes.
31:36 - First Responders. Is there anything they can be doing to better protect themselves?
First Responders have to an internal shift before their situation will change. They have a thought pattern of "I have to suffer so others could survive/thrive."
Here's how to shift that.
Doctors have momentum built up in believing "I have to save you." This means they loose touch with enjoying life.
They also have a negative view of business people but fail to see the good they do provide. A lot of Doctors have a hard time in charging for their services. The business people provide that.
36:43 - What about those that are in a really negative headspace or around the worst of the worst. The wars, the adrenaline feeling things.
First responders tend to like the industry because of the alive feeling they get from the job. Can they be willing to allow that feeling to come in a different way? Can they let go of the old to allow a new way to experience life that is more calm and peaceful and also feels alive.
See that change in perspective? That subtle shift to a better feeling life is the goal.
39:00 A new time for new growth, new structures. Is there going to be a new money structure?
42:00 Is there anything you'd like to share George (spirit)?
Thank you Autumn Schmidt for this beautiful interview! I'll link to her facebook group down below if you'd like to connect with her more!
Autumn's Facebook Group-
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