Kelly Lunt

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Being A Leader in Uncertain Times

Hey Loves!

You know me! I love channeling spirit and what better time to get some extra messages out there then now?? I will do a more dedicated video on coronavirus soon and get it out to everyone but I just wanted spirit to communicate to you what they wanted you to hear right now to stay on track with being safe, healthy, and of course your manifestations! (You can scroll down below to watch the video and join my facebook group here if you'd like to join live next time!)

The message starts at 2:08 and goes into being you while so many other people are focused on low vibes. They quickly highlighted that personal growth often goes through a phase of "feeling crazy" and many people experience a downward spiral before they hit their epiphany moment, their breakthrough moment and that is all that is happening at a global level.

The mass consciousness of earth as a whole is manifesting powerful change. And that was a lot of people are now spending more time with their loved ones in their house. For some, they were manifesting a wake and will literally not be able to ignore the signs that it's over while others will get that quality time they finally wanted with their loved ones.

It's a global awakening and reemergence to enjoy life. That is why we came down here. To ENJOY the physical. Can you be willing to enjoy right here right now so that as the global energy rewires you can ride the wave of readjusting so you move through this thriving.

Spirit also gave a fun journaling prompt to make this easier.

The High Vibe Club they mentioned can be joined here if you want to focus on your personal growth and manifestations with all this time at home!

Spirit then dived into answering the question of "How can I be the best leader for my community at this juncture?" Minute 9:49 in the video

Great answer about staying above the energy of mass consciousness and being okay with having it a bit more easeful then others if you do. This helps you stay in Alignment so you can be a source of inspiration for others. One person in alignment is more powerful then millions out of alignment.

At minute 21:23 Spirit gave some suggestions for staying focused on unconditional love when memories from the past come up?

Send me an email back if you have a question about the coronavirus you would like answered when I sit down and make a dedicated video about it!

If you are ready to tap into your fullest and take a leap into manifesting something you've never manifested before, I want 1 spot open for 1:1 coaching! I'm looking for my next success story, are you it? Go here to apply!

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Being A Leader in Uncertain Times Kelly Lunt