Attracting Something Into Your Life Is As Simple As Breathing
~Abraham Hicks

Master The 5 Steps To Manifest

So, why are you struggling to manifest? Why don’t you have everything you want? Why do you even doubt you can have what you want?

You’re about to discover that it really can be as easy as breathing to attract the life you deserve and desire.

Picture this, getting one thing after the next that you want in your life with confidence, without settling, and with ease and flow.

This state is called the Synchronistic Flow or the High Flying Disk (aka, you just feel so darn good and all the magical things naturally happen in your life).

Creating this magical feel good space of easily attracting what you want into your life with Law of Attraction is my zone of genius.


Law of Attraction is a universal law that is as real as gravity.  

It doesn’t just work half of the time it works all the time.

The difference between manifesting some of the time and manifesting all of the time is how you harness it.


Hi, I’m Kelly Lunt and I’m an Intuitive Channel often referred to as this generation’s Esther Hicks and I will show you how to attract the life you want using Law of Attraction.

It wasn’t that long ago that I was where you’re at right now.

I could manifest great things into my life with ease and flow SOME OF THE TIME. I experienced how easy it COULD be but had yet to master maintaining the flow.

I used to think all I needed to do was to raise my vibration and the goodies would come raining down in out of the sky.

  • The cash showing up on my doorstep

  • The car arriving in my driveway

  • The man of my dreams just appearing in my bed.

But of course it doesn’t work like this. Still, I wanted it all.

I’ve been an intuitive with spirit guides guiding me my whole life.

I didn’t fully understand my gift and certainly couldn’t even begin to explain it to others.

Some were even freaked out by my ability to channel spirit so I turned it off. I hid from it.

Sure enough, I stopped manifesting anything joyous and hit a period of stalling, waiting, and feeling bad.

One toxic work environment to the next, I wanted my connection to spirit back and a way to master continuously manifesting a better and better life as a whole.

Enter Esther and Abraham Hicks.

My spiritual abilities were awakened to a whole new level and I realized there was a whole world out there that understood me.

I knew it was safe to connect to my guides again.

I devoted the next 5 years watching 200, 300, 400 hours of Abraham hicks to really understand and dissect this 5 step process she channels for us all.

I went from being able to manifest what I wanted sometimes to being able to manifest most of the time. This was great but there was always something missing and keeping me from the continuous state of joy and manifesting that I truly sought.

I turned to my personal spirit guides for clarification.

They led me on a 2-year journey through 37 states from California to Maine by myself.

I meditated 3, 4 hours every day allowing my guides to help deepen my connection to source.

I began to understand all the intricacies of Law of Attraction.

As, I applied it to my own life…wow, what a difference.

Easily manifesting a new place to stay every 3 weeks on my traveling journey with people calling me asking if I’d come stay with them!

Even a place to stay in Manhatten, New York 6 blocks from Central Park with free parking for a month!

Paying off my credit card while traveling.

Life began to take on the synchronistic flow of ease and joy, I was hooked.

Of course, I began to share what I discovered with others.

Seeing them have those aha moments of understanding, discovering the missing piece, manifesting with ease and joy…

I wanted more people to experience the joy of being a Master Manifestor.

And that is why I've created a perfectly paced program in which you’ll receive all the tools you’ll need to continually manifest all the goodies that you want.


5 Steps To Mater The Law Of Attraction

This is a 6 module intimate course done at your own pace in the privacy of your home, where I’ll show you how to attract anything you want.

  • Money

  • Love

  • Abundance

  • Happiness

  • Business

  • And much much more

We will spend a full week on each step of Law of Attraction to ensure full mastery of each step.

This is the only comprehensive, step-by-step, easy to follow, and concise LOA guide out there today.

So, What’s in 5 Steps To Manifest Anything & Everything?

  • Manuals breaking down each and every step of law of attraction in bite sized chunk to ensure mastery.

  • Video tutorials with word for word exact phrases to copy to get your manifestation just right

  • FAQs to listen to real people just like you ask their most pressing & intimate questions

Week 1: PreStep Alignment

Here you'll gain the ability to:

  1. Identify what vibration you are at.

  2. My personal tips, tricks, and techniques to get into alignment from any vibrational state.

  3. Be able to get back into alignment so you can move onto manifesting

Week 2: Step 1 Clarify Your Ask

Discover how to:

  1. Clearly articulate what you want in a way that gets to the core of your desire

  2. State your desire in a way that the universe can easily start delivering your desire to you NOW

  3. And so much more.

I’ll show you the mistakes you’re making and how to avoid them as well as how to know when you have a clear ask to the universe

Week 3: Step 2 Allow The Universe: Effort vs. Efforting

Here, you’ll truly understand:

  1. When to take action vs. when to allow the universe to do the work

  2. Releasing the how of your desire

  3. Being open to receive your desire in numerous ways

Week 4: Step 3 Basking, Feeling Good While Attracting Your Ideal Life

Discover how to:

  1. Tend to your emotions/vortex

  2. Trust and show gratitude to the universe so it knows what to deliver more of

  3. Go on a personal rampage

  4. Notice the signs from the Big U

Getting what you want means nothing if you don’t feel good, if you don’t enjoy the life you want.

Week 5: Living Life in Optimal Happiness to Continuously Attract The Life You Want

I’ll reveal how to:

  1. Keep Expecting Good Things To Happen

  2. Become a deliberate cocreator and manifest all of the time vs default cocreator and manifesting some of the time

  3. Live in the Synchronistic Flow

  4. When to focus on your desire vs when to focus on others areas of your life aka going general

Week 6: What To Do If You Fall Out of Feeling Good

You’ll discover how easy it is to go from feeling negative emotions to feeling positive emotions.

  1. Discover how to slow negative momentum towards a desire you have

  2. Neutralize Thoughts That Don’t Help Achieve Your Goal

  3. How to Get Back to Feeling Good and Manifesting Your Dream Life

  4. How to Move forward with Confidence That the Big U can still deliver even if you feel bad

Here are what a few people had to say about working with me:

Sounds good right? What’s the Investment?

The investment is only $297. Why only that much? Because I want everyone to have the ability to manifest at ease.

As a recap, you get:

  • The program

  • Worksheets to walk you through each step of law of attraction

  • Accompanying videos with live examples of how to change your vibrational and energetic state

  • FAQs that often ask the exact question you had on your mind

Click the button below. You’ll be taken to a secure check-out page where you’ll see a summary of the program and you’ll enter the regular details to complete your investment today. You’ll be redirected to a typical check out page where you’ll pay & create your account to be able to access your course immediately.

Master The 5 Steps To Manifest

With warm love and well wishes on your manifesting journey.

Hugs and Love,

P.S. Below is what even more students had to say about the course!

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