If you’re ready to finally feel significant….
And I mean significant. That internal feeling of “I’m good and the things I desire are rolling to me” without a shadow of a doubt…
Not a feel good feeling because your client sent a Voxer message saying “you were right” or “insert celebration message here”
Or maybe your family changed they way they speak to you from “don’t you just want to get a government job with benefits” to “Wow, you sound so confident with your business.”
That’s old news. That’s the old outdated definition of significance because it’s a feeling a significance that came from results.
And it felt good. It felt so good to be able to go live or run an ad and watch the clients roll in.
I did that. What I did was good enough and that felt ohhh soooo goooooddd.
But now, now those messages of celebration from clients are annoying… or even angering you….
Why would she interrupt your personal time to share news that you both knew was coming?
Duh she was going to get results and she has friends or family that she can share that with when you’re not in session with her.
Let’s not forget about your friends and family. It started with “why are you doing this to yourself” or “I could never do what you’re doing” and the most dreadful “why don’t you go back to the corporate world where it’s safe?”
You knew they were wrong about that false sense of safety the corporate world offered and were secretly staying quiet because you knew your time of look how much money, time, and love I have would come.
And it did.
It came as you traveled back and spent a few months with them…
Or maybe you did an international extravaganza exploring and feeling in awe as you explored…
But now… it just doesn’t seem as fun as it used to. It’s lost its glamour in your eye and you don’t know why.
And some of you… are waking up to the fact that you don’t want to spend your freedom by visiting family.
Now what? What you’ve been working so hard for, all those internal mindset shifts you had to experience, to be able to achieve this and now it doesn’t even feel good anymore.
You know what you have to do to maintain your success but those actions are associated with dread, misery, and a sense of “I have to.”
A secret fear of maybe what I want is out of reach and not for me slowly creeps in...
So some of you will start to motivate (read force) yourself to do this. You go back to your old mindset tricks and books to get that spark back and deep down you know those won’t work.
Now the fear of I’ll never get what I want slowly creeps in…
No this can’t be. I worked so hard and I thought this was what I wanted. I’m not complaining… this is a GOOD life and I like it but I can’t live it anymore.
Hi, let me introduce myself. I’m Kelly and I’m a mistress of energy. The spirit world is under my command.
And by spirit world I mean infinite intelligence. That broader perspective of informing you of exactly what you need to hear but didn’t know that’s what you needed to hear.
Yes, my spirit guides are that good. One of them is named George ;)
Together, my spirit team and I LOVE coming in and wrapping up your old chapter of life and immediately call in your next level of consciousness. Your next level of success.
And yes, we’ll handle those pesky feelings of guilt. Am I bad for not wanting to speak with my family? Who am I to be okay with allowing in so much more love and joy in a month then most people allow in a year?
We will handle all of your energetic shifts so the new reality is yours and it’s yours now. We’ll even give you your new spiritual toolkit so you don’t have to go read 7 books or take a 7-month course. You just get to do your next level of self-care and meditation that customized and tailored just to you that will last you 6 months to a year.
We’ll do this with an in-person personal VIP Intensive Retreat. I like to call it Quantum Flight.
What is Quantum Flight?
Quantum flight is the result of Tony Robbins calling you to hire you and you are in a place of “duh” of course he’d hire me delivered in plush and comfort with me and my spirit guides.
I invite you to come hang out with us for 2 powerful virtual vibrational resets and an all-inclusive VIP 3 day 2 night personal retreat.
What does all-inclusive mean? It means food from the freshest and highest quality source. The finest restaurants in town. It means a luxury hotel where the water in the fridge is included with the $800/night price tag.
I plan to take care of you, and take care of you well.
And this retreat… even comes with a personal butler managing all transportation needs, ordering us the finest foods, and any personal needs you have while we work on the energy.
I’ve been channeling everyday people’s next steps for years now allowing in results like:
“I went from chaos, drowning in work life balance with a weak pray that someone would buy my gym so I could move continents and start a location independent business. My gym sold for far more than I even thought ($100,000+ more plus a monthly 5 figure retainer), my husband and I reconnected and rekindled, and my children… their hugs have never felt more calming and connecting.” - Louise.
“I used to be so trapped. I couldn’t leave my house I was so scared. I’m not out enjoying my son’s baseball games and the clients just keep flying to me. I could cry I’m so happy.”
“ My business saw a 50% increase in retail product sales alone ($4,000+ USD/month) that sustained. It was just my new level of business success not a good season. New partners are starting to reach out to me to ask if I’d like to be part of their new company as an owner. That was empowering to have that choice. Not only that but my family life just flowed so much better. We are now a cohesive family unit and my 3 children are a source of nourishment and joy for me. ‘ Yvette de Pater, Luxury Spa Owner
All of this is easily a $25,000 experience but don’t worry… that’s not the price you’ll pay for this shift ;)
Quantum Flight is only $10,000 for this all-inclusive accelerated journey to your next level of living and loving life to its fullest success.
If you’re ready, which you are, just go ahead and click below to apply. I’ll see you soon beautiful! :)