Kelly Lunt

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Law of Attraction & Fear, Over Coming Fear

Law of Attraction & Fear. Ohhh, such a taboo topic am I really going there? After all, law of attraction all about thinking positive thoughts to attract in good stuff, right?

Not quite so fast there, quick study.

Law of attraction does dictate that like attracts like so view it more of a system of being aware of your vibrational set point/thoughts so that you can choose to continue to think those thoughts or choose to change your thoughts.

Like your thoughts? Keep thinking them.

Don’t like them… that’s where the work comes in.

Fear, we’ve all been there.

Maybe it’s fear of being able to pay rent next month, what if no one buys my product, what if my company fails, what if I’m alone forever alone, what if no one wants to invest in my company, I don’t want to be alone but marriage scares me even more, etc…

In simple terms, all fear is extreme attention towards what is not wanted. There are two ends of a stick. On one end you’re thinking about what you want and why you want it (feels good keep thinking it) and on the other end you’re thinking the who, how, when, and what if in the form of all the work that will have to go into it, how people will perceive it, if abc happens then xyz will happen, and so on.

Sometimes we give fear sophisticated names like analysis paralysis, imposter syndrome, atychiphobia, or trace it back to our childhood and sometimes even blame the system.

You right here, right now have the power to change that. Don’t like the thoughts your parents shared with you growing up? Start thinking the new thought that will create the new reality.

In short, thinking about what & why you want it = good feelings and allows in better feeling results

Thinking about who, when, how, all the steps = bad feelings and slows results, manifestations

When you hyper focus on the latter you find yourself in a place of fear and often not taking action.

Let’s a review a little more of law of attraction before we continue.

Law of Attraction – thoughts when given enough air time become a belief system, a rule of how the world works, and your belief system becomes your default vibration that creates your reality.

One common belief system within the vibration of fear is, “anything good is always taken away.” This puts you in a place of not even trying so you don’t feel a perceived inevitable disaster. In other words, you’d rather stay right where you’re at verses get your hopes up, try, and then fall because it will feel worse then just staying right where you’re at.

In real world terms, those of you who want to get married and have a partner but don’t because you don’t want to ever go through divorce… you’re choosing to allow fear to rule your life.

Maybe you want to go to the top business school but don’t apply because you’re heard it’s really intense and you probably wouldn’t even get in.

Maybe you want to loose weight but are afraid unwanted things will happen to you if you do.

It’s okay if you are doing any of the above, just be aware that you’re choosing to let fear win right now.

Law of Attraction also states that you can’t get there from there. Meaning, you can’t go from, “I’m afraid of getting divorced” to “I’m going to have the best marriage ever.”

Instead, meet yourself where you’re at. “I do want to get married and I feel afraid. I’d like to feel better about getting married. I know it is possible to get married and feel good. I’d like more evidence to solidify this belief system.”

Speaking, thinking, feeling in this way is authentically meeting your emotions where you’re at AND allowing yourself to feel better about the topic so that you do get what you want into your life.

This is choosing to embrace fear and allow it to begin to morph into a better feeling emotion so you can begin to manifest again.

If you’d like help with navigating out of fear and hear one of my personal stories with fear,  watch the full video here,

Your Catalyst of Change,

Kelly Lunt
Intuitive Channel & Law of Attraction Expert